Ez Fragmentos y Plantillas
Ez Snippets & Templates is a small and simple Chrome extension designed to make it easy to save and use frequently used snippets or templates. With this extension, users can add, modify, and delete their snippets and templates, as well as add and delete categories to organize them.
One of the standout features of Ez Snippets & Templates is the ability to quickly copy saved snippets or templates to the clipboard without having to open the extension. This can be done using the Chrome context menu by right-clicking and selecting "Copy Snippets/Template". Additionally, users can save selected text from webpages using the Chrome context menu by right-clicking, selecting "Ez Snippet", and choosing "Save Selection".
Overall, Ez Snippets & Templates is a handy tool for anyone who frequently uses snippets or templates and wants a convenient way to manage and access them. Please note that this extension is a personal project meant for practicing JavaScript and ES6 features. If you have any suggestions or spot any mistakes, the developer welcomes feedback.
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